Recipes to Make Cranberry Apple Juice Super Fantastic .Cranberry is the name of the fruits from berries found in the American plains. The fruit is widely used for a variety of grain used karean have a lot of good content such as nutrients, vitamins and minerals are qualified. Vitamin content in cranberry include Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Fiber each of which have different properties. Vitamin E can strengthen the body's nutritious, vitamin C as an antioxidant and fiber for the prevention of digestive problems as well as the prevention of obesity, stroke and diabetes.
In addition to vitamin E, C and Fiber, cranberries also contain calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B-12, float acid, magnesium and vitamin K. Presentation presented with many cranberry fruit drinks made fresh as juice.
Juice or juice is the result of the refinement of fruit by using a food processor or blender. In making cranberry juice, cranberry fruit refining bauh added with apple and ginger as a complement. To make the drinks are tasty and healthy this one you can listen to manufacture the recipe to make apple cranberry juice super fantastic as follows.
Cranberry juice Apples
- Apples, 4 pieces
- Cranberry juice, 600 ml
- Ginger, shredded skinless, 2 ½
- Ice cubes as needed
How to Make Cranberry Juice Drink Fresh Delicious Apples
- At first the skin of apples peeled or not peeled if desired, cut apples for deseeded and cut into pieces.
- Prepare blender and fill with cranberry juice, puree together with additional pieces of apple and grated ginger. Wait until smooth and evenly mixed.
- Bring me a glass and pour the result blenderan apple cranberry juice into the glass.
- Add apple cranberry juice in a glass with some ice cubes in order to feel cool and refreshing.
Apple cranberry juice as a treat you can make tasty drinks and fresh for anyone families or guests who visited the house is also a relaxing treats during the day.
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