How To Create A typical Ceker Seblak Bandung Super Spicy Favors

How To Create A typical Ceker Seblak Bandung Super Spicy Favors
How To Create A typical Ceker Seblak Bandung Super Spicy Favors

How To Create A typical Ceker Seblak Bandung Super Spicy Favors .Snacks spicy famous and popular today in the city of Bandung many who loved both the old or the young. These snacks easy to find on the edge of the road, stands next mini market, or at kiosks that Seblak claw spicy. Seblak claw spicy is based foods from chicken claw and using spices selection. Seblak claw has a soft texture and soft so that when you bite cekernya it was soft and delicious especially the marinade to seep into her bones. This claw Seblak delicious if eaten during the day as a snack or as a friend of rice you are accompanied by a glass of ice cold sweet tea or orange. To make seblak claw is certainly very easy, but before making seblak claw is so tender and soft flavor cekernya spilled chicken should be boiled first until tender and cooked through. If discussed constantly there will be no end, we simply create seblak claw tasty and spicy for you can try at home.

How to make spicy chicken claw seblak


  • Chicken claw 500 gr
  • Broth of 100 ml
  • Clean water as much as 100 ml
  • Garlic as much as 2 pcs
  • Red onion for 3 pcs
  • Red chillies as much as 5 pcs
  • 5 pcs sebbanyak cayenne pepper (according to taste)
  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil
  • kencur adjust
  • Salt to taste
  • Flavoring to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • Soy sauce to taste

Step-by-step how to make spicy claw seblak

  • Provide water in a saucepan and boil until cooked, put the claw and boiled until cooked and tender do not forget to add a little salt to taste savory. Lift then clean the skin and nails
  • Provide fine spices such as onion, garlic, cayenne pepper, red pepper, and puree kencur these materials naturally by using a mortar. Heat the pan then add oil and saute ground spices until fragrant scent of ripe and fragrant.
  • Put claw and water, stirring until evenly while adding more seasoning salt, flavorings, sugar and soy sauce. Stir until the marinade is absorbed and mature.
  • Lift up and ready to serve

That recipe chicken claw seblak tasty and spicy, you can try at home according to your taste. Make seblak claw quite easy ko 'I was often made at home denagn spicy flavor. Please try making and Happy Cooking
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