How to Make a Delicious Fresh Skin Mangosteen Juice |
How to Make a Delicious Fresh Skin Mangosteen Juice .juice of mangosteen peel a fresh drink for health bermanfat kita.Banyak people mengkosumsi lengsung mangosteen then discarded, whereas the skin mangosteen has properties that are great for our health. The menu offerings are the basic ingredients of mangosteen peel also has ciarasa slightly bitter, bitter taste and fresh in our body.
Here are some benefits of mangosteen peel, among others, to treat and prevent cancer, keeping the immune system, prevent heart disease, diabetes and so can decrease other. It was not just the fruit was fresh, the skin is also a lot of benefits for our kesehata.
Ok, just, we do not need to be discussed at length the benefits of mangosteen peel mngenai, maybe it was for just the knowledge of all lovers the nusantara.Lanjut to the subject is about how to make the skin mangosteen juice is beneficial for kesehatan.Segera you prepare ingredients and equipment to make the skin mangosteen juice menu ini.Jika already, see good, this dya recipe ...
Here are some ingredients Making Juice Skin Mangosteen :
- First you provide 2 grains and fresh ripe mangosteen
- Air mature 1 cup
- Palm sugar
- Please also provide just enough honey
(For peralatanya You Just Simply provide Blender and spoon)
Following Steps How to Make Skin Mangosteen Juice:
- First you take the mangosteen peel and scrape the skin with a spoon Manggis already in sediakan.Dalam curry, you simply scrape the skin above it only.
- Both you collect the scrapings results, then you rebus.Untuk minimize the bitter taste you can boil mangosteen peel before cooking water kerok.Untuk you should not waste, because it can be made in therapy for the needy.
- Third you take mangosteen rind decoction and then you insert the mangosteen peel the boiled water into a blender that has been in siapkan.Kemudian add the palm sugar and 1 cup of boiled water.
- Finished dish, menu skin mangosteen juice is ready to serve.
How? easy does not it? Oh yes, you can just add menu this dish with honey. If the skin mangosteen juice is not exhausted, you should save it in the fridge for more segar.sekian this discussion hopefully useful to you.
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