Stim grouper ala Hong Kong

Stim grouper ala Hong Kong
Stim grouper ala Hong Kong
Stim grouper ala Hong Kong

  • Step Clean the fish, pat dry with kitchen paper. Insert a few pieces of ginger into the fish.
  • Tata bgn scallion white plate and a few pieces of ginger is sliced ​​thick.
  • Boil water After boiling, place the fish on a plate and arranged with the rest of tebal..tabur gojiberries sliced ​​ginger and shiitake mushrooms governance.
  • Steam for about 10min until cooked.
  • Set aside the broth of fish or fish lift and transfer to a serving plate. Taste the broth, if putrid or bitter to be thrown away. if not fishy and bitter, save 1 tbsp.
  • mix sauce ingredients: soy sauce, brown sugar, chicken broth and fish broth. Bring to a boil and cook briefly until slightly reduced slightly.
  • Tata ginger and scallions thinly sliced ​​green part above the fish ..
  • Heat the oil. then flush (2-3 tablespoons) over the fish. Followed by pouring the sauce.


  • - for oil I use a mixture of canola and sesame oil minyam. 
  • - For brown sugar I Molasses palai powder. And for measuring can be reduced to 2sdm only. Because 2.5sdm rather sweet in my mouth 
  • - I wear brand fish sauce Tai Hua specifically for steamed fish.


1 whole grouper
3 stalks leeks white part, cut length
2 stalks scallion green parts, thinly iris2
7 slices of large ginger
1 shiitake mushrooms, thick iris2
2 tbsp ginger thinly sliced
2 tbsp goji berries, soak
2.5 tablespoon soy sauce / fish sauce
2.5 tsp brown sugar
2 tablespoons chicken broth
3 tbsp peanut oil +

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